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Every patient is different.
I listen to your story and offer a range of therapeutic options so you can make informed decisions about your health.

Dr Timothy Hall MBBS, BMedSci (Hons)

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Injectable Nutrient Clinic

Professional Integrative Medicine’s Injectable Nutrient Clinic is Adelaide’s longest continuously running injectable nutrients clinic.


PIM is a medical clinic that provides therapeutic programs tailored to suit each individual according to their specific needs, as determined by a doctor.

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Food Intolerance Testing

Many chronic illnesses are linked to unrecognised food sensitivities. IgG food immunology testing is a tool we use at Professional Integrative Medicine for measuring the degree of inflammatory immune response produced by a wide variety of different foods.



Several viral infections are known to result in long-term symptoms, including fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, circulatory system issues and chronic pain.

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Chronic & Complex Conditions

Our goal is to empower and support patient health, energy and vitality.


Our focus is on identifying the deeper health needs and causes behind difficult illnesses to reach the underlying problems.


We offer a unique, value-focused and disciplined approach.

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Developing detailed dietary strategies to support patients with systemic and inflammatory conditions.

Meal plans tailored to individual patients' medical needs.




Our clinic stocks a wide selection of nutritional supplements, including several lines restricted to supply by appropriately qualified health professionals.


Supply or prescription of these is generally restricted to patients currently being treated at this clinic. 

Why Choose Integrative Medicine?

Integrative medicine is a patient-centred approach to medical practice that sees healthy vitality as a positive goal, rather than simply the absence of disease.

Instead of focusing on the disease, or isolated symptoms, integrative medicine shifts that focus to you, the patient, considering how your personal history, lifestyle and genetic factors can affect and influence your long-term wellbeing.

Practitioners of integrative medicine look beyond the immediate symptoms, seeking to understand the origins of complex, chronic disease. When the root causes are identified, prevention and treatment strategies can be devised. 

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How is Integrative Medicine Different?

Our health care system is oriented towards acute care – diagnosing and treating injuries and illnesses in need of immediate attention over a short time.

The number of people suffering from complex, chronic conditions – such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, autoimmune disorders – has increased. 

Physicians in the growing field of integrative medicine seek to assess the underlying factors in long-term and complex medical conditions. This offers you, the patient, greater knowledge and choice in the decisions that affect you most.

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