Hashimoto’s Disease & Other Thyroid Conditions

Thyroid conditions are very common, especially amongst women and older people.

Hashimoto’s disease, which affects up to 5% of people, means that your immune system attacks your thyroid gland. This often leads to an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) where you don’t have sufficient quantities of thyroid hormones in your blood.

At the other end of the spectrum, an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can result from Graves’ disease or other issues.

There are proven medications for both an overactive and an underactive thyroid, but there is a subset of people for whom the standard approach does not yield satisfactory results.

Supporting patients with thyroid conditions

One question we always seek to answer is why your auto-immune system is fighting your thyroid gland to the degree where you get symptoms. Was there a sensitising event? A virus, or starting a medication? A food sensitivity.

We may suggest tests to dig deeper. You may already have had tests for antibodies as part of the Hashimoto’s diagnostic process – most believe there’s no need to test again, but our opinion is that there may be changes in antibody levels if your inflammatory state changes. Reverse T3 is also not a standard test, but in some cases it may be a stress marker, or indicate that you are metabolising medication in a different way.

A better understanding of what is driving your thyroid condition and how your body is reacting means we can recommend treatment personalised to you. Whether that’s diet, supplements or something else, the aim is to reduce and manage symptoms so you can enjoy your life more.

Some Of The Conditions We Support

Anti Ageing

Autoimmune Conditions

Digestive Disorders

Hormone Imbalances And Menopause

Long Term Covid

Post Viral Fatigue

Hashimoto’s Disease & Other Thyroid Conditions

Chronic Fatigue And Fibromyalgia

Histamine Intolerance /Mast Cell Syndromes

Methylation Imbalances (MTHFR)

Stress And Mood