Australian researchers are about to carry out world-first research, using intravenous zinc against the damaging symptoms of coronavirus.
The virus that causes COVID-19 can cause severe respiratory symptoms, leading to multiple organ failure due to lack of oxygen. Previous studies have shown that zinc can slow the replication rate of similar viruses such as SARS and the common cold.
A clinical trial led by Dr Joseph Ischia from Austin Health and Dr Oneel Patel from the Department of Surgery at the University of Melbourne will be fast-tracked to test whether a daily injection of zinc chloride will benefit COVID-19 patients.
Previous published studies from Dr Patel have shown that high doses of zinc can protect vital organs from the damage cause by lack of oxygen.
As there is currently no specific treatment available for COVID-19 patients at high risk of respiratory failure, this study could be a potential life saver. The researchers are hopeful of a successful trial, as zinc is proven to be effective in treating severe pneumonia and other viruses.
Preliminary results are expected in a very short time – as little as seven days.
The researchers warn of the dangers of zinc overdose and stress that it will be carefully administered to ensure patient safety.